Product Transaction Log

Record New Transaction Manually

In some cases (i.e. testing different metering/rating scenarios), you may need to record a no-code transaction manually. This can be done using the 'record new' transaction button on this page.

View Line Item Charge Breakdown

  1. For line items that include additional details, an icon is shown in the log column. Click on the this icon button on any row with an available Line Item Charge Breakdown (Figure 2) to see the associated details.

  2. After clicking on the button, a breakdown of the charge associated with the Line Item is displayed (Figure 3).

Export Product Transactions

  1. To download the current dashboard in spreadsheet format, click on the 'Export button' (Figure 4).

  2. To download the current dashboard in spreadsheet format, click on the 'Export button' (Figure 4). To export a larger group of items, scroll to the bottom of the table and expand the page size on the bottom left. Select the quantity you desire to export. Once the page has reloaded, click the export button.

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