Customer VAT ID Support
Revenium will automatically utilize your payment provider configuration to collect and charge "Value Added Tax" if required.
Last updated
Revenium will automatically utilize your payment provider configuration to collect and charge "Value Added Tax" if required.
Last updated
This feature requires your payment provider (currently Stripe only) to support VAT calculation and collection. This article explains how Stripe collects & managed Customer Tax IDs and the supported geographies.
Requirements to support VAT collection
Your Stripe account must be configured to consider tax exempt status and/or reverse charge taxes (such as under the EU VAT rules),
Your product must be configured to use a Payment Configuration tied to a Stripe account configured as above.
The Revenium payment configuration must set the tax behavior option to either "Tax Inclusive" or "Tax Exclusive"
The "Collect VAT Info" checkbox should be checked in the Drop-In Storefront component configuration.
If the above requirements are met, Revenium's checkout components will require the end user to provide a VAT number and use Stripe's services to validate that number before the checkout process can complete.
Revenium's components will automatically determine whether a VAT number is required based on the configuration in your connected Stripe account.
After creating a product and payment configuration using a test stripe key with the requirements noted above, Revenium customers wishing to test the VAT validation process can use the process and numbers provided in Stripe's documentation here. Stripe provides one VAT number to be used for testing a successful validation and another to be used when simulating a failed validation.