Payment Configurations

This page allows you to configure an optional Stripe payments integration so that invoices from Revenium can be automatically charged to your customers via their credit card.

  1. After clicking on the Payment Configurations Link, the Payment Configurations dashboard appears (Figure 1).

Before creating a new payment configuration, if you intend to use a third party payment provider like Stripe, you will need to create an account and obtain your Stripe API keys. This is the only step required to create connected payment configurations with Stripe. All other configuration will be managed within the Revenium platform.

Configure your Stripe Account

  1. To create a Stripe account, go to the registration link and fill the required details (Figure 4). Or if you already have an account, login to Stripe and continue with the instructions.

  2. Go to your Stripe Dashboard > Developers > API keys (Figure 3) and save your Publishable and Secret keys, you will need them in the next step.

Create a new Payment Configuration

  1. Click on the Payment Configuration create button, located in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 4).

  2. After clicking on the create button, the Payment Configuration create form appears (Figure 5a, Figure 5b). If using Stripe, this is where you will enter the two Stripe API keys from the previous step.

  3. The fields available on the "Properties" step are determined by the Payment Provider that was selected. All these fields are required by the chosen provider.

  4. Fill in the required inputs and click on Save to create a new Payment Configuration.

    • The Tax behavior field has three options. Selecting None will configure the Payment Configuration so that tax will not be added during payment. Selecting Inclusive will assume that the Tax Amount in included in the Total Amount submitted for payment. Finally, Exclusive will add the tax amount onto the Total Amount submitted for payment.

  5. After clicking on the Save button, the changes will be saved.

View Payment Configuration

  1. Click on the Payment Configurations view button located in each row of the grid (Figure 5).

  2. After clicking on the view button, a screen appears listing the details of the chosen Payment Configuration (Figure 6).

Edit a Payment Configuration

Note: Payment Configurations can only be updated if no outstanding Payments are present for it.

  1. Click on the edit button located in each row of the grid (Figure 8).

  2. After clicking on the edit button, the Payment Configurations form pre-filled with data from the selected Payment Configuration appears (Figure 8a, Figure 8b).

  3. Modify the desired values. Click on save to confirm the changes.

Delete a Payment Configuration

Note: Payment Configurations can only be deleted if no outstanding Payments are present for it.

1. Click on the Payment Configuration delete button located in each row of the grid (Figure 9). 2. After clicking on the delete button, a confirmation message appears (Figure 10). 3. Click on 'Yes, I'm sure' to delete the item.

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