Export Configurations

Export configurations are most commonly used to export invoice or transactional information from Revenium to an external financial system.

Supported Export Options


Webhook integrations are used to send information from Revenium to a webhook published from a system you own (most commonly an external financial system). Revenium can send two types of events to your webhook endpoint.

  1. Invoices: Revenium will send invoice data (in JSON format) to your endpoint whenever an invoice is generated

  2. Transactional Data: Revenium will send detailed data on every metering transaction received to your webhook endpoint. (due to the amount of volume in this configuration, option 1 is the more common implementation)


This configuration transfers JSON-formatted invoices to an S3 bucket as they are generated. (we can easily implement support for other object storage platforms as well, please let us know if you need a particular provider prioritized)


This configuration sends invoices in a CSV format to a defined address as they are created. Additional options exist for email integrations. Please get in touch with our support team if your use case requires a different integration.


This configuration sends API analytics information to an OpenTelemetry data collection endpoint for easy consolidation of operational metrics from Revenium in an OpenTelemetry system.

Last updated

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