Anypoint API Experience Hub Unmanaged Package Post Installation Instructions

After installing the Revenium Anypoint API Experience Hub (AEH) Package, some configuration is needed before you can use it in your organization.

Anypoint Experience Hub can be installed in two ways: through a self-service approach or with assisted guidance from our team. First, make sure you meet the requirements to install it. For a hands-on experience, follow these detailed instructions. If you prefer assistance, our team can walk you through the process. To enable this, you'll need to grant permissions for us to access Anypoint Experience Hub in your Anypoint account. While we recommend self-service to familiarize yourself with the platform, our team is happy to provide support!

First of all, you need to make sure your users in AEH are assigned to a Team in Anypoint Platform with the following permissions:



Exchange Viewer

API Manager

Manage Contracts View Contracts

Table 1. Anypoint's Team configuration.

If you would not like to receive the default Anypoint email notifications follow this guide.

1. Create Revenium URL and Revenium API Keys Custom Object Tabs

  1. Go to Setup > Tabs, and under Custom Object Tabs, click on New (Figure 1).

  2. In the Custom Object Tab form (Figure 2) select Revenium URL in the object field.

  3. Select a Tab style, add a meaningful description, and click on Next.

  4. Restrict the access to this tab to meet your Organization’s needs and click on Save.

  5. In the Custom Object Tab form (Figure 2) select Revenium API Key in the object field.

  6. Select a Tab style, add a meaningful description, and click on Next.

  7. Restrict the access to this tab to meet your Organization’s needs and click on Save.

2. Create Revenium URLs

  1. Navigate to the Revenium URL Custom Tab you created in Step 2 and click on New (Figure 3).

  2. Create a Revenium URL, as described in Table 2.

Revenium URL NameURLActiveURL Type

Revenium API URL

URL provided by Revenium staff. Default is:



Table 2. Revenium URL configuration.

3. Create Revenium API Keys

  1. Navigate to the Revenium API Keys Custom Tab you created in Step 2 and click on New (Figure 4).

  2. Create a Revenium API Key, as described in Table 3.

Revenium API Key Name KeyKey Owner

Revenium API Key

User who will use the API Key

Table 3. Revenium API Key configuration.

4. Add Trusted URLs

  1. Go to Setup > Security > Trusted URLs and click on New Trusted URL (Figure 5).

  2. Create the required Trusted Sites as described in Table 4.

Trusted Site NameTrusted Site URLActiveContext




Allow site for connect-src, Allow site for frame-src




Allow site for connect-src, Allow site for frame-src




Allow site for connect-src, Allow site for frame-src




Allow site for connect-src




Allow site for img-src




Allow site for connect-src, Allow site for frame-src

Table 4. Revenium API Key configuration.

5. Configure Remote Site Settings

  1. Go to Setup > Security > Remote Site Settings and click on New Remote Site (Figure 8).

  2. Create the required Remote Sites as described in Table 5.

Remote Site NameTrusted Site URLDisable Protocol SecurityActive




Table 5. Revenium API Key configuration.

6. Assigning Revenium User Permission Set.

When using the Revenium Anypoint API Experience Hub Package with a Salesforce Profile different from System Administrator or API Experience Hub Member User, you need to assign the Permission Set Revenium User to the users under that profile in order to make it work. To do this, go to Setup > Permission Sets > Revenium User > Manage Assignments (Figure 9). After that, assign the corresponding users to it and click Next (Figure 10). Finally, select an expiration date if appropriate and click Assign (Figure 11).

7. Configuring the Guest User.

  1. In Salesforce Setup, enter sites in the Quick Find box and select All Sites.

  2. Next to the site that you want to access, click Builder.

  3. In Experience Builder, click the Settings icon and select General.

  4. Under Guest User Profile, click the guest user profile link (Figure 11).

In the Field-Level Security section you can set the Read/Edit access for the Current RM Org field from the User object (Figure 12). Moreover, in this profile menu you will see the options to enable access to Apex Classes, Custom Objects and Named Credentials listed in Table 5 (Figure 13).

Finally, allow the Guest Users to access Private Resources.

8. Configuring Sharing Rules.

You will also need to create a Sharing Rule to grant access to the Custom Objects to a certain group of users. To do this, you should navigate to Setup > Sharing Settings > Revenium API Key Sharing Rules (and Revenium URL Sharing Rules). You can see the following link to learn more about Sharing Rules. For example, if you want to share the records owned by a certain role with all the users in the portal with a particular role assigned, you would need to define it in this way (Figure 13):

If you allowed Guest Users in your organization (and have followed the instructions in #7), you need to add Sharing Rules for the Experience Site Guest User as outlined here.

9. Add products/APIs to your portal.

Check that the visibility of your APIs is set to Everyone, otherwise your portal member will not be able to access your APIs. You can do this from the APIs in the portal tab. Follow these instructions to do that.

In order to access products or APIs from Revenium's components in your site you need to add them from AEH's API manager. To do that, click on API Experience Hub in your Anypoint account and then add the products/APIs you want from Exchange, as shown in Figures 14 and 15.

10. Remove the API's standard request access button.

It is necessary to remove this button so that dev portal users only receive access to your monetized APIs through the Revenium drop-in storefront. This way you can require payment before access is granted.

In order to remove the API's standard request access button from AEH, shown in Figure 16, please drag and drop the Remove Asset Access component in the Template footer on the Application Details page of the site (as shown in Figure 17). The component must be in the Template footer to execute in a global context.

11. Set the Revenium "View Available Products" button.

To ensure a smooth workflow for users requesting access to your API bundles, it's essential to include the "View Available Products" button directly on your Community Asset detail page (Figure 18).

By placing this component on an asset details page, a button will appear that will do two things, 1) return the user to the catalog page including the “Drop-In Storefront” component, 2) filter the list of displayed products in the displayed storefront to show only products that contain the asset on the original page that the user was browsing.

This allows users who are interested in using a particular API to understand which products they can purchase that include that API. By having the button readily available, users can efficiently access the storefront and request access to the desired API bundles within a single, streamlined experience.

You also need to provide the API name of the page your storefront is located by following the instructions outlined in the API Access Requester documentation. By default, the API Access Requester button redirects you to the Home page of your Experience Cloud site.


Anypoint API Experience Hub documentation

Anypoint API Experience Hub prerequisites

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