Connect Your Data

Please view the sub-sections in the the navigation menu to the left to choose the data source you'd like to connect to Revenium for API productization, monetization and metering.

Revenium provides metering policies to integrate at the gateway, application, and infrastructure layer.

Gateway Metering Policies

The advantages of the gateway policies is that many allow advanced features such as rate limiting or quota-based blocking for monetization use cases, though these do require access to the gateway to implement.

Kubernetes & Docker-Based Metering

If you do not have access to a gateway, you may prefer to start with our "Container-Native" Metering policy, which allows you to install a few lines of code on your container or container host and meter targeted API traffic from ephemeral containers as they are created.


Next, we offer various SDKs to allow you to send metering traffic directly from your application's code if this is your preferred integration method. Please use the menu at the left to choose the SDK that matches your use case (e.g. Python, Java, etc.).

Postman Collection & Sample Curl Commands for Integration Testing

Download our Postman Collection on GitHub here.

Lastly, if you just want to see sample curl commands for testing, you can find those here.

Note that none of these policies are mutually exclusive. Multiple data sources can be metered simultaneously by the Revenium platform.

Need Advice?

If you have questions or need advice on which integration to choose, please reach out or use the chat function on the main website or from your account after you are logged into Revenium.

Last updated