
In Revenium, assets are most commonly APIs, though they can also be API Resources (including a specific verb to be checked), connectors, or streams. Assets can be bundled into products.

Access to Assets

  1. Click on 'Assets' in the navigation menu .

  2. After clicking on the Assets Link, the Assets dashboard is displayed (Figure 1).

Asset Search & Filter

The top search bar in Figure 2 below shows where a user can search products by the product name or settlement period.

As a tenant or organizational admin user, the option to list the Assets of other users is available. Search the user's name in the Owner search bar (Figure 2) and the table will be updated with the Assets owned by that user.

Create an Asset

  1. Click on the Assets 'Create' button with the plus sign located in the upper right corner.

  2. After clicking on the 'Create' button, the Assets form appears (Figure 3a, Figure 3b).

  3. Fill in the required inputs and click on 'Save' to create a new Asset.

Asset Configuration Options:

Page 1:

  • Asset Name: A user-friendly name that describes the asset.

  • Asset Type: Choose the appropriate type for your use case.

  • Resource: Choose the pattern matching desired (i.e. "equals," "begins with", etc.) and the pattern for URI/URL used by the asset.

  • Method: this option appears only if "API (Resource)" is selected as the "Asset Type". This allows you to specify the API method you wish to to capture under this asset definition. Note that this option allows you to create one asset definition for 'Gets' to an endpoint, and another asset definition for 'Puts' to an endpoint, which would allow you to capture analytics for each type of call separately.

  • Version: define as you see fit using the format x.x.x (this specific format is required for some of our gateway definitions which is why the UI is prescriptive about the format used here)

Page 2:

  • Products: If you have previously created products and wish to assign this API to those products, you can do so here.

  • Elements: Define any Metering Elements that must be tracked during usage of this API.

  • External ID: This field is used to map this asset to an identifier in an external system, often an external API gateway. This is used for certain commerce portal scenarios and can be ignored if there is no need to sync with an external system.

  • Environment: Only used for assets that have been copied to Revenium from an external system, and in this case the value will be populated automatically.

  • Product Code: This is used if usage of an asset will be synchronized to an external CRM or ERP, and you require an identifier that is consistent across both systems.

  • Tags: use as needed for your own purposes.

Page 3:

  • Asset Description: This description is used in linked commerce portals to provide API consumers a description of the purpose of the API. This field has no effect if not using a linked commerce portal.

  • Dev Portal Link: This field is used by some of Revenium's front-end integrations to provide a button that will link directly to a separate dev portal so that developers can view detailed documentation, mocking services, etc. If you are not using a front-end developer portal, this field has no function. Lastly, note that this field is not used with MuleSoft's developer portal.

  • Logo: This image is used by Revenium's front-end integrations to provide an image for each asset in the catalog. If you are not using a front-end developer portal, this field has no function.

View Asset Change History

On the top header of the "Edit Asset" modal, note the link for "view change history" which will allow you to view a history of changes made to the asset and by whom

View, Edit, Clone & Delete Assets

Clicking on the eye, pencil, copy, or trash can icons located in each row of the Asset listing will allow you to view, edit, clone or delete existing Assets respectively.

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