Subscribers Credentials

Credentials (which are optional) allow you to link multiple users' usage to a single Revenium Subscription.

Subscriber Credentials allow metering of customer usage by creating a link between your customer's ID and a subscription in Revenium. The customer's ID is often an API token or 'client ID' when dealing with APIs, or it can be any unique identifier for non-API use cases.

Credentials in Revenium contain two key pieces of information that allow them to form a link between subscribers of products and a Revenium subscription. Once a Credential has been created with the required information, Revenium will meter transactions and associate them to an existing subscription and customer record.

An Application's "External Key" generally maps to an API key or OAuth 2.0 Client ID as part of a Client Credentials grant type.

Secret Keys

If you are using Revenium's storefront to centralize API access management to APIs in different API gateways, you may also want to store API secret keys in the credential's configuration. Doing so will allow Revenium's storefront components to show users their API keys & secrets when they are logged into a Storefront supported by Revenium. Storing these keys is entirely optional and Revenium makes no other use of the keys other than displaying them to authenticated users when using our storefront components.

Revenium also supports a bulk upload process for Subscriber Credentials. Please follow the instructions in the application to upload an existing list of Credentials.

Last updated