Invoice History

Here you can find the latest invoices issued to your customers and download copies of each as a PDF.

Access to Invoice History

  1. Expand 'Invoices' in the navigation menu and then select 'Invoice History' (Figure 1).

  2. You can use the date filters on the top of the page to limit the results to the dates desired.

Payment Status Log

For invoices with a linked Payment Configuration, additional details are available using the link in the"Payment Status" column in Figure 1.

This window shows information related to payment activities from a payment provider.

  • Invoice (Payment Provider) - invoice number from the payment provider to allow you to look up additional details with the third party provider.

  • Tax Config - indicates whether this Payment Configuration is set up to use taxation or not (configured on the Payment Configuration page)

  • Tax IDs - the tax ID (usually a VAT ID) used for this payment.

  • Tax Reason - provided by the 3rd party payment provider indicating why / how taxes where charged for this payment.

  • Receipt Number - Revenium's receipt number for the payment. Sometimes used for troubleshooting.

View Invoice as PDF

  1. To download and examine an individual invoice, click on the Download Invoice button located in each row of the Latest Invoices grid (see the green square in Figure 1).

  2. After clicking the Download Invoice button, the selected Invoice is downloaded or displayed as a PDF (depending on your browser).

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